Category Archives: Home
Baby steps toward unburdening myself of ‘stuff’
Making peace with the silence that death brings
My son-in-law Daryl and I were in my late husband’s woodworking shop on a recent evening doing a little project. Well, Daryl was doing the project — I was supervising and my stepdaughter was getting dinner. Daryl was making a brace to stabilize my dogs’ portable exercise pen I acquired to use at camp […]
Healing is an act of courageousness
Living with the wilder side of my life
I’m thinking I need to stay home more often or I could be in danger of losing control over my own property. I’ve been on the road a lot these past few months for various dog-related reasons — flyball tournaments (dog relay racing), conformation shows (think scaled down Westminster), and a couple of field events […]
Opening camp: Old traditions, new refrigerators and a season’s beginning
I opened up camp over the weekend. Camp, for me, is a camper that sits on a rented lot year-round in a campground in the northern tip of Maine — in God’s country. I always approach opening weekend with true excitement for the coming season, but also with trepidation. One never knows what condition […]
Finding beauty where you are planted
Our neighborhood is blessed with road construction at the moment. It’s not actually the road that’s being constructed — it’s a sidewalk that stretches from Hermon Village to Hermon High School. While waiting not so patiently in a line of cars to get into my driveway so I can let out my dogs at lunchtime […]