Monthly Archives: May 2017

Finding beauty where you are planted

Our neighborhood is blessed with road construction at the moment. It’s not actually the road that’s being constructed — it’s a sidewalk that stretches from Hermon Village to Hermon High School. While waiting not so patiently in a line of cars to get into my driveway so I can let out my dogs at lunchtime […]

Being in a feisty state of mind

  The thing about widowhood is that from the moment it happened to me, I felt like I had fallen on this conveyer belt that just carried me through life as unwilling cargo from day to day. No control over my destiny. No control over what had just happened to me. No control over a […]

10 notes about this in-between time of year

The greening grass is a pretty good indicator we may be out of the snowy woods of winter — finally. Snow in late April or early May is not unusual in Maine, but I am feeling kind of safe at this point to declare winter is done. It’s still an odd time of year. Although […]